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IDE ELECTRIC, S.L., is a company located in the international electrical sector dedicated to the manufacture and subsequent marketing of plastic and metal enclosures for low voltage electrical distribution and for the telecommunications sector.
One of IDE's main missions is innovation and quality as a constant improvement, dedicating a high percentage of its efforts to this end. Internally, it has been able to develop a structure in line with its needs, creating a solid and well-structured organization chart, establishing as its main objective the unconditional support to its R&D, Quality and Marketing departments, making them an essential key in the business network.
This strategy, followed until now and also established for the future, has allowed IDE to position itself as the first brand in professional electrical equipment in the international electrical market.
The products manufactured at IDE are intended for both the electrical and telecommunications sectors. The company currently offers the market the widest range of plastic and metal electrical enclosures, sockets and enclosures for telecommunications and is on a par with any multinational in the sector in terms of product variety, design and quality.
Numerous product families are certified by VDE, UL or Gost-R, quality certifying bodies in different countries around the world for electrical equipment. These certifications allow IDE products to compete at the highest level worldwide with those of the most important competitors.
All production, administrative and design processes are certified by ISO 9001, R+D+i and IQNet, so the quality of its processes is also guaranteed nationally and internationally.
One of IDE's main missions is innovation and quality as a constant improvement, dedicating a high percentage of its efforts to this end. Internally, it has been able to develop a structure in line with its needs, creating a solid and well-structured organization chart, establishing as its main objective the unconditional support to its R&D, Quality and Marketing departments, making them an essential key in the business network.
This strategy, followed until now and also established for the future, has allowed IDE to position itself as the first brand in professional electrical equipment in the international electrical market.
The products manufactured at IDE are intended for both the electrical and telecommunications sectors. The company currently offers the market the widest range of plastic and metal electrical enclosures, sockets and enclosures for telecommunications and is on a par with any multinational in the sector in terms of product variety, design and quality.
Numerous product families are certified by VDE, UL or Gost-R, quality certifying bodies in different countries around the world for electrical equipment. These certifications allow IDE products to compete at the highest level worldwide with those of the most important competitors.
All production, administrative and design processes are certified by ISO 9001, R+D+i and IQNet, so the quality of its processes is also guaranteed nationally and internationally.
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