Safe Machinery

Area Protection Solutions Safe Robotics - SICK

Flexible and efficient hazardous area protection for robots.
Robots have become an indispensable part of modern industry. They make it possible to flexibly adapt to changing production conditions while keeping product quality at a consistently high level. To optimally enhance the performance of humans and to increase the productivity of plants, the robotic system should ideally be freely accessible. At the same time this must not pose any risk to the health or life of the employees.

Cubic single-beam photoelectric safety switches L28 - SICK

Single-beam photoelectric safety switches from SICK offer maximum safety performance. They comprise self-testing senders and receivers or testable senders and receivers combined with na evaluation unit. They have long ranges and come in a variety of types and sizes. They comply with Type 2 and/or Type 4 in acc. with EN 61496, and PL c and/ or PL e in acc. with EN ISO 13849. Applications include robots, processing machinery, machining centers, palletizers,
The L28 single-beam photoelectric safety switch consists of a sender and receiver. The test input of the sender allows direct functional tests. Performance level PL c in acc. with EN ISO 13849-1 or Type 2 in acc. with IEC 61496 can be achieved in conjunction with a safety controller.

Cubic single-beam photoelectric safety switches L29 - SICK

Single-beam photoelectric safety switches from SICK offer maximum safety performance. They comprise self-testing senders and receivers or testable senders and receivers combined with na evaluation unit. They have long ranges and come in a variety of types and sizes. They comply with Type 2 and/or Type 4 in acc. with EN 61496, and PL c and/ or PL e in acc. with EN ISO 13849. Applications include robots, processing machinery, machining centers, palletizers,
The L29 single-beam photoelectric safety switch consists of a sender and receiver. The test input of the sender allows direct functional tests.

Cubic single-beam photoelectric safety switches – SICK

Single-beam photoelectric safety switches from SICK offer maximum safety performance. They comprise self-testing senders and  receivers or testable senders and receivers combined with an evaluation unit. They have long ranges and come in a variety of types and sizes.

Single-beam photoelectric safety switches is used for access protection of hazardous áreas on machines or in plants. The devices are permanently mounted in the access area at the necessary safety distance from the hazardous point and send a shutdown signal to the machine or system when the light beam is interrupted.

Extension module MM4 for deTec and deTem - SICK

Together with the deTec safety light curtains and deTem safety light-beam sensors, the DMM4 extension module enables efficient muting applications for safe human-material differentiation in automated material transport. With the help of DMM4 and the intuitive Safety Designer software, you can individually configure muting parameters and smart functions such as smart restart interlock for your application. The software can also define different operating modes such as partial muting. Connect muting sensors, control switches, and safety devices to DMM4. This reduces the cabling effort, shortens the commissioning time, and allows you to achieve continuous, efficient material flows while protecting people simultaneously.

Fotocélula de segurança quadrada L27 - SICK

Single-beam photoelectric safety switches from SICK offer maximum safety performance. They comprise self-testing senders and receivers or testable senders and receivers combined with na evaluation unit. They have long ranges and come in a variety of types and sizes. They comply with Type 2 and/or Type 4 in acc. with EN 61496, and PL c and/ or PL e in acc. with EN ISO 13849. Applications include robots, processing machinery, machining centers, palletizers.

Mechanical bolt for rugged door safeguarding MB1 - SICK

The MB1 mechanical bolt is the ideal addition to non-contact safety switches and safety locking devices from SICK.

Precise guiding of the actuator increases the tolerance to door offset and ensures correct functioning of an installed safety switch at all times. In addition, a mechanical bolt effectively prevents actuator breakage. The fault exclusion realized in this way enables a high performance level for the overall structure. Additional options such as a mechanical lock with padlock receptacle lock or an emergency release reliably protect maintenance staff from accidental entrapment.

Modular safety controller MOC3SA – SICK

MOC3SA speed monitor.
Optimal protection in maintenance mode.  
The SICK MOC3SA Speed Monitor is a zero speed and drive monitor which protects against dangerous movements by safely monitoring speed.
It covers different safety drive functions as SLS (safety limited speed) and SSM (safe speed monitor). It offers different operating modes of the monitoring function: With two independent proximity sensors or mixed, with one proximity and one signal output.
Moreover, the MOC3SA Speed Monitor is connectable to all SICK safety controllers.

Motion safety controller MOC – SICK

SICK´S safety controllers provide a simple, flexible, and scalable solution to realize an intelligent machine design. Flexi safety controllers feature a modular hardware platform without the use of complex software. They are simple to operate and can be easily integrated with all safety control components. Their compact design makes these safety controllers ideal for a variety of applications. 

SICK´S safety product for Motion Control allows you to safely monitor the machine’s movement, providing safe interaction between machine and operator. Motion Control offers solutions for this task. Using the term Motion Control, SICK has expanded the portfolio of safe control solutions by safe drive monitoring.

Multiple light beam safety deTem2 Core - SICK

A new standard in every sense.

Just how do we maintain our leading position in the industrial safety sector after 65 years?
Through continuous innovation.

Multiple light beam safety deTem4 Core - SICK

A new standard in every sense.
Just how do we maintain our leading position in the industrial safety sector after 65 years?
Through continuous innovation.

Multiple light beam safety devices deTem A/P - SICK

Impressive flexibility!

The multiple light beam safety devices deTem A/P are active/ passive systems in a compact housing and offer high flexibility for access protection and entry/ exit monitoring (muting).

Depending on needs and in order to meet individual requirements, the scanning range, number of beams and various muting sensors can be selected.

Multiple light beam safety devices M4000 - SICK

Complete safety exactly to your requirements.
Multiple light beam safety devices are used for access protection with and without muting. Wide scanning ranges and high signal reserves allow a wide range of application possibilities even under harsh ambient conditions. 

The comprehensive functions are easy to understand and can be set by means of menus. The broad scanning range permits standardization of just one device for a wide range of applications and thus implements machine safety cost-effectively.

Muting kits and accessories - SICK

Automated material transportation into and out of hazardous areas can be secured via a variety of solutions in order to avoid hazards to people and to ensure productivity.

Securing a machine with a muting system, comprising a protective device combined with muting sensors (e.g., photoelectric retro-reflective sensors). The placement of the muting sensors means that the material to be transported is detected as such and the protective device is given a time limit and bridged depending on the process. People are safely detected.

Non-contact safety sensor STR 1 - SICK

A wealth of experience opens up a new dimension for safety switches: The STR 1 is the new star of the switching universe!

Traveling to a new galaxy demands thorough preparation and extensive planning. The objective has been set: To discover a transponder safety switch with exceptional performance.

The equipment is on board: Over 50 years of experience in the field of safety sensors, an established product range backed up by a worldwide service network, and SICK’s quality guarantee as a market leader. The result: the STR1. Mission accomplished!

Non-contact safety switch TR4 Direct - SICK

Non-contact safety switches with high level of prevention against tampering.  

Transponder safety switches are used in applications where a high level of prevention against tampering is essential. The safety switch determines which actuator code to use and will not engage unless the proper actuator code is read. The safety switches have a wide response range, which is highly beneficial for mounting and considerably reduces machine downtime. Some safety switches are extremely small and have a central evaluation unit in the control cabinet, while others have an integrated evaluation unit with an LED status indicator. Various versions, including multicode and unicode variants, enable connectivity of up to 30 safety switches.

Non-contact safety switches – SICK

Stricter safety regulations and the need for tamper-proof safety at work make modern safety switches indispensable in machine building. Non-contact safety switches from SICK can be used for the safe monitoring of movable guards as well as for position monitoring.

The choice among three operating principles (magnetic, transponder and inductive) and different designs allow the selection of the solution that best fits the application requirements and the one that is most efficient.

Photoelectric safety switch cylindrical L21 - SICK

Single-beam photoelectric safety switches from SICK offer maximum safety performance. They comprise self-testing senders and receivers or testable senders and receivers combined with an evaluation unit. They have long ranges and come in a variety of types and sizes. They comply with Type 2 and/or Type 4 in according with EN 61496, and PL c and/ or PL e in according with EN ISO 13849. Applications include robots, processing machinery, machining centers, palletizers, high-bay warehouses and transfer lines.

The L21 single-beam photoelectric safety switch consists of a sender and receiver. The test input of the sender allows direct functional tests.

Programmable safety controller Flexi Soft – SICK

SICK's safety controllers provide a simple, flexible, and scalable solution to realize an intelligent machine design. Flexi safety controllers feature a modular hardware platform without the use of complex software. They are simple to operate and can be easily integrated with all safety control components. Their compact design makes these safety controllers ideal for a variety of applications. 

The Flexi Soft is a software programmable, expandable, easy-to-commission safety controller that can be efficiently adapted to the requirements of a variety of safety applications.

Relay safety ReLy - SICK

The safety relays from the ReLy product family monitor safety functions and safety sensors up to Performance Level e. The ReLy portfolio is clear and concise. Each ReLy module has everything a modern safety relay needs: up to 4 contact paths for the safe switch-off of machines, quick response times for short safety distances, plug-in terminals for short maintenance times, a slim housing for more space in the control cabinet and extensive diagnosis options for quick and easy troubleshooting. The sensor type to be connected alone can determine which product is the right choice.

Safe Entry Exit security solution - Sick

Muting is now even easier.
When it comes to the protection of machines and systems in the field of pallet conveyor technology, reliable and efficient differentiation between humans and materials is indispensable for maintaining productivity. Classic systems which detect these muting functions often need a large amount of mounting space and are very vulnerable to sensor displacement due to the protruding brackets for muting sensors.
Safe Entry Exit from Sick is the TÜV-certified alternative to these safety solutions.

Safe multibeam scanners scanGrid2 – SICK

With scanGrid2, SICK is offering an economical safety solution for small, line-guided AGCs (automated guided carts): The world’s first LiDAR multibeam scanner with safe solid state technology.
Thanks to its excellent price-performance ratio, large fleets of AGCs can not only offer efficient protection up to performance level c, but can also be made more productive. scanGrid2 enables the elimination of mechanical barriers as well as higher driving speeds and heavier loads on the AGCs.

Safe radar system safeRS/safeRS3 - SICK

The safeRS and safeRS3 safe radar systems are electro-sensitive 3D protective devices for safe personal detection with very high machine productivity. They protect applications in accordance with PL d or SIL 2 in line with ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061.


Safety Camera Systems V200/V300 - SICK

V200/ V300 Work Station Extended is a sensor based on innovative camera technology, developed for monitoring hazardous points. The “one sensor fits all sizes“ concept puts an end to the numerous types – one sensor combined with the suitable resolution set covers the most diverse protective field sizes.

Safety camera systems from SICK are electro-sensitive protective devices based on image processing technology. The sender and receiver are integrated into a single housing unit. The compact camera systems do not require any additional software, and can be commissioned at the push of a button.
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