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Industrial Automation

IO-Link modules MVK and Impact67 – Murrelektronik

MKV Metal and Impact67 IO-Link fieldbus modules take you directly to where you want to go. They are ideal for integrating IO-Link devices into installation solutions. The advantages: fast integration, brief commissioning times, yet maximum flexibility.
The basic feature of this easy integration is 'IODD On Board', an innovative technology by Murrelektronik. The sensor and actuator parameter data stored in the IODD (IO Device Description) are directly incorporated into the GSDML files of the Murrelektronik MVK Metal and Impact67 fieldbus modules. If these devices, for example IO-Link sensors or valve terminals, are connected, you can access this stored data directly and very conveniently via your control software, with no need for manual parameter setting or special tools.
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This greatly simplifies matters, as to date every new IO-Link device had to be integrated into the software individually, a time-consuming process. All of this is proof that it is best to store parameter data in the control. For series machines, this benefit can be multiplied because once created, configurations can be copied & pasted many times to other systems and machine controls.
One particularly interesting aspect is that device parameterization can already be done on the computer in the office and no longer needs to be performed during machine commissioning on the shop floor. The parameter data is displayed in plain text (and not as HEX value) – this makes it easy to keep track of your data. This also facilitates the validation of machines and systems.
However, the freely configurable modules offer considerable time savings for non-standard machinery as well. The auto-configuration mode makes speedy commissioning a reality, since setting parameters for digital inputs and outputs is eliminated, the channels do as the control system commands.

  • Multifunctional M12 ports: Digital I/Os or IO-Link;
  • IODD on board;
  • Single channel diagnostic function;
  • Port-related switch off;
  • Profinet and Profibus.
  • Simple installation and comissioning;
  • Easy IO-Link diagnostic function;
  • Reduced down times and errors.
  • All industries.

F.Fonseca is the representative of Murrelektronik in Portugal.
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