Industrial Automation

Programming tool with display for Incremental encoders PGT-10-Pro - SICK

The PGT-10-Pro is an intuitive programming tool that allows the configuration of the SICK programmable encoders.

This tool has a very low weight and compact dimensions, it’s easily movable and can be used anywhere, not needing a PC or any additional software.
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  • Compatible with all family encoders DFS60, DFV60, AFS/AFM60, AHS/AHM36;
  • Can be connected to encoders with cable or M12 and M23 plugs;
  • Power supply by 2 AA batteries;
  • 4 buttons and integrated display.
  • Easy parameter configuration on the encoders without the need for a PC.
  • All industries aplliance.
F.Fonseca is the representative of SICK in Portugal. 
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