Fluid sensors

Temperature sensor TSP - SICK

The TSP is a universal purpose platinum insertion thermometer for the temperature measurement in liquids and gases. It can be adapted to specific applications through its available connection threads and insertion lengths.
Wetted parts are made from stainless steel 1.4305. The platinum resistor (Pt100 or Pt1000, accuracy class B according to IEC 60751) is located inside the tip of the probe. It is electrically connected by an M12 x 1 circular connector. Therefore, the device is compact and well suited for narrow installation spaces.

Temperature sensor with IO-Link dTRANS T1000 - Jumo

The temperature sensor is used for temperature measurement and monitoring. The effect of the temperature on a resistance RTD temperature probe generates a signal, which is amplified, digitalized and processed. The temperature sensor is equipped with an IO-Link interface as per specification 1.1. IO-Link supports bidirectional communication and is used to exchange the process data, parameters, diagnostic information and status messages.

Temperature switch-digital TDD - Kobold

Kobold temperature switches of model TDD are used for economical measurement and monitoring of temperature. They are suited for applications where temperature must be monitored with a high degree of switching accuracy.
A semiconductor, which outputs a digital signal to the evaluating electronics in 0.5 °C steps, serves as sensor element. The current measured value is displayed on a 3-digit LED display. Two switch points, on-/off-switching delay and hysteresis are adjustable within the measuring range.

Ultrasonic flowmeter FFU - SICK

Non-contact flow measurement!
The non-contact FFU ultrasonic flowmeter detects the flow volume of conductive and non-conductive liquids. Swimming against the current requires more strength than with the current – this is the simple fact on which ultrasonic flow measurement according to the phase difference process is based.

Ultrasonic level sensor UP56 – SICK

Tough, non-contact, pressure-resistant.
The product family UP56 of ultrasonic level sensors is the ideal solution for demanding applications. The teflon-protected transducer handles overpressure up to 6 bar (87 psi) and is resistant against numerous difficult fluids.

Wetted parts can be chosen either as stainless steel or PVDF, thus making the ultrasonic level sensor UP56, da SICK, the perfect solution for measurement in aggressive, viscous, or abrasive liquids, or bulk solids. By combining two output signals in one device, new cost-effective solutions can be created for measurement and integration into the system. With two switching outputs, the level sensor UP56 can measure dry running and overflow in one device.

Universal pressure sensor PBS - SICK

The SICK pressure switch PBS is designed for pressure monitoring and measurement in liquid and gaseous media.
It is pressure switch, transmitter and display in one and the same device. In its standard configuration it has two switching outputs. In addition, there are configurations available with one or two switching points and an analog output signal.

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