Industrial Automation

Communicator Gateway - Anybus® - HMS

The Anybus Communicator is a family of protocol converters that connect non-networked devices to all major industrial networks. The Communicator is capable of converting almost any standard or user specific proprietary protocol without the need for any hardware or software changes to your device.

Connecting devices with a serial RS-232/422/485 interface

Connect your non-networked device to any major fieldbus or industrial Ethernet networks with the Anybus Communicator. The Communicator performs an intelligent conversion between the serial protocol of the automation device and the chosen industrial network.

For industrial devices with a serial RS-232/422/485 interface, HMS makes it possible to configure almost any Produce/Consume, Request/Response or simple ASCII protocols with its flexible serial frame building method contained within the included "Anybus Configuration Manager".
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Connecting devices with a serial Modbus-RTU interface

Connect your non-networked device to any major fieldbus or industrial Ethernet networks with the Anybus Communicator. The Communicator performs an intelligent conversion between the serial protocol of the automation device and the chosen industrial network.
For industrial devices with a serial Modbus-RTU interface, HMS takes away the hassle of scripting and serial frame building by using visual template wizards contained within the included "Anybus Configuration Manager". This enables you to get your devices connected fast.

  • RS-232/422/485 interface;
  • Field protocols: CAN Open, Profibus-DP, CC-Link, Controlo Net, Devicenet, FIPIO, Interbus, Modbus Plus, Modbus-RTU.

  • Easy to connect and to configured.

  • Serial connections: speed drives, code bar readers, RFID…

F.Fonseca is the representative of the Anybus - HMS in Portugal.
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