Industrial Automation

Programming tool for PC PGT-8-S - SICK

The PGT-08-S is an intuitive programming tool that allows the configuration of the programmable encoders from SICK.

This tool has a low weight and compact dimensions, can be used to configure all the encoders from the F family, incremental and absolute.
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  • Compatible with all the incremental and absolute encoders from the F family;
  • Connection to the PC by a USB plug;
  • Can be used on encoders with cable, M12 and M23 connector;
  • No external power supply needed, uses the USB port power.
  • Configuration of the incremental and absolute encoder parameters from the F family, namely pulse number from 1 to 65536, output TTL – HTL (5 a 32Vdc) and zero;
  • Allows visualizing the encoder pulses when connected to the PC.
  • All industries aplliance.

F.Fonseca is the representative of SICK in Portugal.
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