Safety Scanners

Area Protection Solutions Safe Robotics - SICK

Flexible and efficient hazardous area protection for robots.
Robots have become an indispensable part of modern industry. They make it possible to flexibly adapt to changing production conditions while keeping product quality at a consistently high level. To optimally enhance the performance of humans and to increase the productivity of plants, the robotic system should ideally be freely accessible. At the same time this must not pose any risk to the health or life of the employees.

Safe multibeam scanners scanGrid2 – SICK

With scanGrid2, SICK is offering an economical safety solution for small, line-guided AGCs (automated guided carts): The world’s first LiDAR multibeam scanner with safe solid state technology.
Thanks to its excellent price-performance ratio, large fleets of AGCs can not only offer efficient protection up to performance level c, but can also be made more productive. scanGrid2 enables the elimination of mechanical barriers as well as higher driving speeds and heavier loads on the AGCs.

Safe radar system safeRS/safeRS3 - SICK

The safeRS and safeRS3 safe radar systems are electro-sensitive 3D protective devices for safe personal detection with very high machine productivity. They protect applications in accordance with PL d or SIL 2 in line with ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061.


Safety laser scanner nanoScan3 - SICK

Highly precise and extremely rugged safety laser scanners need not take up much space. The nanoScan3 from SICK with its small installation size is opening up new possibilities in the design of small automated  guided vehicles (AGVs) and mobile robots. Specially developed for compact mobile platforms, its safety functions can be tailored to the environment. The nanoScan3, just like its “big brother” the microScan3, employs the reliable and accurate safeHDDM®.scanning technology. Thanks to its compact size, the nanoScan3 is increasing the level of efficiency and safety in numerous production and logistics applications.

Safety laser scanner outdoorScan3 - SICK

The safety laser scanner for outdoor automation.

With the outdoorScan3, SICK is once again underscoring its sustainable innovation and technology leadership. The world’s first safety laser scanner for outdoor use that is certified according to IEC 62998 facilitates simple and safe outdoor automation in entirely new dimensions. Whether in production and logistics processes, for monitoring hazardous areas, in mechanical engineering or docking passenger boarding bridges, outdoorScan3 ensures people are always kept safe. It works with the same level of reliability and efficiency as our customers have come to expect from our indoor laser scanners. Disruptive weather influences such as rain, snow, sunlight and fog are filtered out with ease by the safety laser scanner.

Safety Laser Scanner S300 Mini – SICK

S300 Mini safety laser scanner  - Maximum safety in mini format.  

Safety laser scanner S3000 Expert - SICK

Close safety gaps with 64 fields: Checkmate!

S3000 Expert constitutes the consequential extension of the successful S3000 product family. Without refraining from the usual reliability of the S3000, many more protecting tasks can be accomplished.

Safety laser scanners - SICK

SICK safety laser scanners – setting the standard throughout the world.
Safety laser scanners can be used in a wide range of mobile or stationary applications, including non-contact area monitoring and access protection. Like an optical radar, the compact system scans its surroundings in a fan shape and measures distances by using the time-of-flight principle of measurement. The integrated rotating mirror creates a two-dimensional scan for measuring contours.

The CDS configuration and diagnostics software is used to define protective field areas and program logical switching.

Safety laser scanners microScan3 – SICK

The new generation of safety laser scanners for mobile applications.
With the microScan3, SICK is expanding the product family of the microScan3 safety laser scanners - perfectly suited for safety and navigation in mobile applications as well as the intelligent protection of complex stationary applications. the innovative safeHddm® scanning technology increases the reliability of the microScan3. it is outstanding in dust and ambient light. it increases the productivity and availability of
machines. Smart connectivity facilitates safe integration into networks and cuts cabling costs. using Safety designer software, the microScan3 can be intuitively configured and commissioned. The operational status can be called up and read on the display or via the network. What can first impress, and repeatedly generate enthusiasm? the microScan3 from SICK.
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