Industrial Automation

Motor feedback systems rotary Hiperface DSL® EKS/EKM36 - SICK

Compact motor feedback system for highly dynamic servo drives.

From a mechanical point of view, the EKS/EKM36 motor feedback system is based on the proven 36 mm design. This design is both compact and rugged, and has been proven many times over in a wide range of applications and surroundings.

In combination with an absolute location indicator system with a resolution of up to 20 Bits per revolution and a maximum of 4,096 revolutions, this design is unique in its class.
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Request Offer
  • Motor feedback system with HIPERFACE DSL® interface;
  • Compact, robust design with 36 mm diameter;
  • Up to 20 bit resolution per revolution and 4,096 revolutions measurable with the multiturn system;
  • Facility for connecting an external temperature sensor;
  • E²Prom with 8 kbyte of free memory space;
  • SIL2-certified (only valid for EKS/EKM36-2...);
  • Service life histograma.
  • Saving all analog components on the controller part through exclusively digital data transmission;
  • Enormous cost saving thanks to the separate encoder cable no longer being necessary, data transmitted synchronously to the controller cycle;
  • Minimal cabling thanks to integration of the encoder communication into the motor cable;
  • Optimization of the controller circuit via automated synchronization with the controller cycle.
  • High-precision servo systems;
  • Printing machines;
  • Semiconductor industry.

F.Fonseca is the representative of SICK in Portugal.
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